A digital film for cinema presentation. 13.30 mins
The Mother’s Bones is a film for cinema presentation filmed in Dean Quarry on the tip of the Lizard Peninsula with St Keverne brass band. The band (formed in 1896 from the quarry workforce) is intrinsically linked to the place. In the film, shots of the band playing in the quarry are placed together with models of the seven crystal systems of mineral packing and microscope images of stone from the quarry. Music composed for the band by their band leader Gareth Churcher creates a sound-scape for a montage of filmic conventions, moving the viewer across vast scales of time and space. Drawing inspiration from the Greek myth of Deucalion and Phyrra and Russell Hoban’s novel Riddley Walker, Reynolds represents the quarry through a mythic lens.The Mother’s Bones depicts Dean Quarry on the tip of the Lizard Peninsula through a mythic lens, and simultaneously the recent history of the quarry workforce, which formed St Keverne band in 1896. Music composed for the band by their current band leader Gareth Churcher creates a sound-scape for a montage of filmic conventions, moving the viewer across vast scales of time and space and alternative modes of understanding the landscape. The title is drawn from the Greek myth of Deucalion and Phyrra.